A BodyIntelligence Online Class
Finding Ease at the Computer
presented by Imogen Ragone
Thursday, September 22, 2016
12-1 PM Los Angeles / 3-4 PM New York / 8-9 PM London
Cost: $27 / 8 places available
Does working at the computer make you feel like this?
Do you get tense, stressed and even overwhelmed?
Do you feel tired, sore or even in pain?
Do you find yourself slumping, but sitting up straight is too hard?
Does paying attention to your posture while you work seem impossible?
Don’t let your time at the computer get you down.
Use body intelligence and turn your Posture into Poise
With Computer Poise you’ll be more productive, project confidence, and feel good!
In this class you will:
- Learn a way to shift your perspective in the moment to relieve stress and tension.
- Learn strategies to help your new postural habits stick.
- Learn an effective stretch you can do at your desk to ease tension and allow your body to open up into easy poise.
- Get answers to your questions on your specific postural challenges.
- Have live interaction and teaching with Imogen and the other participants.
All participants will also receive Imogen’s e-book, 12 Lessons in Computer Poise ($7 value).
If you’d like to find more ease in yourself as you work at your computer this class is for you.
When: Thursday, September 22, 2016
12-1 PM Los Angeles / 3-4 PM New York / 8-9 PM London
Where: Online!
Registered participants will be sent a link to join the class through video conferencing.
Small class size: limited to 8 participants only
Cost: $27
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.