Foundations of Regulation:
BodyIntelligence, Neurobiology, and Trauma

A 6-Week Online Course for People Dealing with Trauma or Chronic Stress

Presented by Imogen Ragone and Shay Seaborne


Imagine a life where you can navigate stressful situations with ease and make empowered decisions for yourself.

This becomes possible with Foundations of Regulation.

This transformative course offers a dynamic blend of neurobiology and BodyIntelligence that brings genuine relief, while forced positivity and sheer willpower will fail every time.

Next offered:
Six Tuesdays, January 28 – March 4, 2025
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM US Eastern Time
Click here to find your time zone >>
Delivered Live on Zoom
Scholarships available. See below for details.



Discover a Path to Calm and Resilience!

In a world where stress and trauma are at an all-time high, there are many ways that life challenges us. 

Do any of these resonate with you?

      • Social anxiety
      • Difficult relatives
      • Loneliness
      • Travel concerns
      • “The News” overwhelm
      • Health worries
      • Financial stress
      • Chronic pain
      • Work demands
      • Family obligations
      • Feeling like you’re not living up to “how things should be!”

Whatever your concerns, your nervous system plays a crucial role, and it deserves care and support for regulation. 

What awaits you in this course?
You’ll get to:

  • Unlock and leverage the secrets of the body-mind connection to feel better in stressful situations.
  • Support your own recovery from stress and trauma by learning simple, science-based practices.
  • Engage those practices avoid more stress and trauma going forward.
  • Connect with Imogen, Shay, and a community of participants in a safe online space for learning, discussion, exploration, and support.
  • Gather valuable concepts, terms, tools, resources, and inspiration to start crafting your personalized, neuroscience-based, somatically oriented, dynamic healing framework.

Despite the serious subject matter, we prioritize creating a lighthearted and engaging learning environment. Laughter is a welcome companion in our sessions, making the exploration of these essential concepts not only enlightening but also enjoyable.

After each class, you’ll receive:

  • Access to class recordings for review and ongoing support.
  • Handouts to reinforce your learning and that you can share with others.

Embark on a journey towards a calmer, more resilient you. Join us and start building a foundation for lasting well-being today!


What past students have to say:


“The Foundations of Regulation course…far surpassed my hopes and expectations, and provided me with an array of effective practical tools for working both with the normal stresses of daily life and with the residues of childhood trauma…”
Linda J, Foundations of Regulation course participant


After a horrible fall and injury to both ankles (sprain, dislocation, and multiple fractures), Viva was able to endure excruciating pain and cope with the external triggers from being in hospital using practices and concepts she’s learned from the Foundations of Regulation course and continuing study with Imogen and Shay. In the video below Viva talks from the heart about how important BodyIntelligence and the principles of the Alexander Technique have been to her as she went through this, allowing her to “be ok enough not to get lost in the incredible pain or the external triggers.” 💗 Fortunately you don’t need to go through what Viva has to benefit from this work! The tools and concepts are hugely helpful for the everyday stresses of life, too.


“I find myself using the exercises everywhere: filling up the water filter/pitcher, at the Chiropractor’s office…while waiting in the grocery store.”
Kim Walsh, Foundations of Regulation course participant

“Imogen and Shay presented the material in a way that’s supportive of each student and the group.”
Mary Sosinski, Foundations of Regulation course participant


But On the River I Was Free,” by Shay Seaborne, watercolor, mental hospital pencil


As a survivor of Complex Trauma I am especially grateful for Imogen’s beneficial influence in my life. For more than 6 years as her student I have been consistently impressed by how much of Imogen’s work is backed by the neuroscience of trauma and is especially helpful in resolving it. Developing the ability to tune into my body has been key to my recovery. Imogen helps me integrate into my daily life the practices to shift my nervous system towards safety and connection, key to healing trauma.
– Shay Seaborne, CPTSD, Relational Neuroscience Educator and Trauma Awareness Activist-Artist


Anxiety and stress are part of trauma.
The important thing is to not get stuck there.


It’s normal to get stuck in a cycle of stress, so it’s vital to have a way to gently move through it. This course will help you discover some simple, effective ways to get unstuck, without the need to rehash old experiences.

According to Complex Trauma Specialist, Deb Dana, LCSW, “…a regulated nervous system…brings flexibility, which brings resilience…. That’s a regulated system, a system that can dysregulate and come back to regulation.”

In this course Shay and Imogen will introduce you to a portable, discreet, use-anywhere tool that invites ease and helps you build, or rebuild, a healthy nervous system – a regulated nervous system. You’ll build on this skill and be able to apply it in many areas of your life.

“A regulated nervous system provides you with the energy, resources, and drive to do what you’re meant to do….”
– Irene Lyon. MSC, Nervous System Expert

With a better regulated nervous system our capacities widely increase. That means we can function better, be more productive with less stress, respond better to others in our relationships, treat ourselves better, increase our cognitive function, and have greater access to joy, wonder, awe, peace, and delight.

With Imogen and Shay’s expert guidance, you’ll complete the course able to tap in to your own body’s intelligence and better regulate your own nervous system. You’ll start building your own framework of safety and connection, and live with greater ease and joy.


“Your classes have been great resources for me and I value “stepping out” every day to a moment of noticing ease.”
Gail Hall, Foundations of Regulation course participant


“The opportunity to practice virtually alongside other students has been a gift, particularly during times of stress and isolation.”
Tracy Hough, BodyIntelligence Study Group member


“Shay’s personal journey with trauma and recovery and practice of regulating her own nervous system has…left her more highly qualified than any mainstream education could provide. Shay is one of the most inspiring experts in this field I have encountered.”
Fiona Mclennan, Creator and Teacher of Somatic Intelligence


Learn to navigate life with more peace and ease.

Course Details:

The course takes place over six 1½-hour classes that will take place online using Zoom.

Next Offered: Tuesdays, January 28 – March 4, 2025

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM US Eastern Time (Click here to find your time zone)

Course Curriculum:

Week 1: Cultivating Mind-Body Unity
Explore the foundations of mind-body unity, and learn self-regulation techniques to support your nervous system in a simple, daily practice.

Week 2: Agency and the Power of the Pause
Discover the potency of pausing to engage your prefrontal cortex, disrupting stress cycles and fostering a deeper connection with your nervous system.

Week 3: Interoception and Exteroception, Support and Safety
Understand the concepts of interoception and exteroception, while building a foundation for safety and reclaiming your place in the world.

Week 4: Integration and Titration
Learn the skill of titrating difficult feelings and challenges, allowing for a gentle integration. By this point in the course most students have noticed improvements to the quality of their daily lives.

Week 5: Seven Daily Essentials
Become familiar with the seven essential activities providing vital “mental nutrients” for optimal brain and relationship functioning.

Week 6: Building Your Framework of Safety and Connection
Learn about “The Distortions of the Life Force” and start constructing your personalized framework of safety and connection, incorporating the concepts and practices you have learned.

Course Fees:

The basic cost for the course is $299* 

Scholarships Available!

If you need help to be able to attend, please use coupon code SCHOLAR50 when you register to get 50% off the price. No questions asked.

We also understand that even this is out of reach for some people. If that’s you, please contact us as we are occasionally able to offer more help and even full scholarships. Simply ask by getting in touch here. We want to help.

*If you can afford more, please help support scholarships for those who are economically challenged to attend. Your contributions are greatly appreciated – please add the extra amount to your registration when you sign up.

Limited to 10 participants. 



Note: Students who complete this Foundations of Regulation online course, are eligible to join Imogen’s ongoing BodyIntelligence Study Group – a small community of people who are surviving and thriving despite trauma and chronic stress.

Meet your Course Leaders!

Imogen and Shay

Imogen and Shay have been working together for over five years, starting when Shay came to Imogen as a client. Over time, as Shay studied neurobiology and neuroscience to help her understand and resolve PTSD, she increasingly understood that BodyIntelligence provides a very neuropositive approach and practice. It has been extremely helpful to Shay and is one of her core resources in helping her rebuild and regulate her own nervous system.

As they continued to work together they became good friends, sharing an excitement over the neuroscience that backs up the simple and profound practices of BodyIntelligence and Alexander Technique concepts and principles.

The Foundations of Regulation course is part of a collaboration to offer workshops and programs for people dealing with trauma or chronic stress. Shay’s experience as a trauma survivor and her understanding of the neuroscience relating to trauma is paired with practical tools and concepts from Imogen’s BodyIntelligence work.

Imogen Ragone, M.AmSAT

Imogen’s mission is to help women who are feeling hopeless – stressed, anxious, or even dealing with trauma – to better support their nervous system so they feel calmer and more at ease, and so they have a sense of more agency and feel more empowered in their lives.

Imogen has been a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique since 2006, and a student of the work for over 25 years. She initially came to Alexander Technique to help her with chronic neck and shoulder pain and tension. It did – and gave her MUCH more than she ever imagined. Imogen has developed her own unique approach, BodyIntelligence, that is founded in the principles of the Alexander Technique and offers a path to embodied mindfulness that is gentle and non-coercive. This means it is more accessible and effective when you are feeling stressed or anxious, and makes it especially valuable to traumatized people.

Imogen was born and raised in England, and has lived in the US now for over 30 years. She has been successfully working with clients online, both individually and in groups, since 2014.

More about Imogen and her work:
Facebook Page: BodyIntelligence with Imogen Ragone
Facebook Group: BodyIntelligence Community

Shay Seaborne, CPTSD

Former tall ship sailor turned trauma awareness educator, Shay Seaborne, CPTSD, has studied the neurobiology of fear, trauma, and PTSD for seven years. She writes, speaks, and makes art to convey her experiences as well as her understanding of the neurobiology of fear, trauma theory, and principles of trauma recovery. A native of Northern Virginia, Shay settled in Delaware to sail KALMAR NYCKEL, the state’s tall ship. She wishes everyone could recognize PTSD is not a mental health problem, but a neurophysiological condition rooted in dysregulation. Our mainstream culture is neuro-negative, and we need to understand we can heal ourselves and each other through awareness, understanding, and safe connection.

More about Shay and her work:
Facebook Page: Trauma Aware America
Facebook Groups: Trauma Aware America Group  and Patients for Trauma Awareness
Instagram: @shayseaborne_cptsd

Imogen and Shay in Conversation:


Find more of their conversations on BodyIntelligence, the Alexander Technique, neurobiology, and trauma here:

What People Say

“I completed the Foundations of Regulation course in February 2023. It far surpassed my hopes and expectations, and provided me with an array of effective practical tools for working both with the normal stresses of daily life and with the residues of childhood trauma that have resulted in lifelong CPTSD. Imogen and Shay work wonderfully together and project a sense of warmth, welcome, and community that made me look forward to each class and to subsequent workshops I’ve attended with them. The combination of Alexander Technique (Imogen) and neuroscience and trauma therapy (Shay) fit my needs perfectly and provided a very powerful and integrated way of working with my physical, emotional, and thought-based realities simultaneously. They both clearly put in a great deal of work to create a well-organized, very informative, easy-to-follow interactive presentation, and Imogen sent an email soon after each class with video recordings (very helpful to review) and resources for further exploration. I hope to continue working with them, and recommend this course wholeheartedly.”
—Linda J, Foundations of Regulation course participant

“I can’t thank Imogen and Shay enough for offering these classes and sharing their knowledge and gifts. It has really made a difference, and meeting weekly has helped me feel more connected. When I feel stressed, down, or have any of the PTSD symptoms, I know I am not alone and we are all working to make our lives better. These classes have really made a huge difference in my life. I find myself using the exercises everywhere: filling up the water filter/pitcher, at the Chiropractor’s office on the back roller table, while waiting in the grocery store.”
Kim Walsh, Foundations of Regulation course participant

“I thoroughly enjoyed the class. It was a great group of people and I loved the way Imogen and Shay presented the material in a way that’s supportive of each student and the group. I learned a lot in the class.”
Mary Sosinski, Foundations of Regulation course participant

“Imogen’s practices have helped me to bring more ease into my life by learning to make different choices for myself that can reduce pain and anxiety. The opportunity to practice virtually alongside other students has been a gift, particularly during times of stress and isolation. Thank you, Imogen, for all of the support, laughter and lessons. I offer her my highest recommendation.”
Tracy Hough, BodyIntelligence Study Group member

“Your classes have been great resources for me and I value “stepping out” every day to a moment of noticing ease.”
Gail Hall, Foundations of Regulation course participant

“Shay’s personal journey with trauma and recovery and practice of regulating her own nervous system has…left her more highly qualified than any mainstream education could provide. Shay is one of the most inspiring experts in this field I have encountered.”
Fiona Mclennan, Creator and Teacher of Somatic Intelligence



Photograph of Shay by Bayou Elom.