Tame Your Holiday Stress
An Online Workshop to Help You Deal with the Unique Stresses of the Season
Presented by Imogen Ragone and Shay Seaborne
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
11:00 am – 12:00 pm US Eastern Time
(Click here to find your time zone.)
7:00 – 8:00 pm US Eastern Time
(Click here to find your time zone.)
Delivered Live on Zoom
Choose the time and price that best suit your circumstances when you register.
Holiday anxieties on your horizon?
Does even the thought of the holidays bring a feeling of tension?
If so, you are definitely not alone. Many people struggle this time of year with the stresses of holiday bustle, prospect of visits with family, office parties, and all the extra things to do, not to mention memories of holidays past.
Fortunately, body intelligence and neuroscience can help us navigate the holiday season with more peace and ease.
As the holidays approach, have some of the following got you anxious this year?
- Gift exchanges
- Difficult relatives
- Loneliness
- Travel
- Getting sick
- Financial worries
- Memories of holidays past
- Office parties
- All the things you have to do to make the holidays “perfect!”
Whatever your particular worries and triggers, you have a nervous system and it needs regulation. Life is better with a regulated nervous system, enabling you to cope better with your stressors and make better decisions.
A basic understanding of neurobiology and body intelligence offers relief.
In this one-hour workshop you will:
- Learn about the body-mind connection and how you can use it to relieve stress during the holidays.
- Discover the 5 different types of holiday stress and how to reduce them.
- Understand key concepts from neuroscience in a simple, practical way that supports trauma recovery and stress relief.
- Practice simple exercises based on neuroscience to regulate your nervous system and relieve the stresses of the holidays.
- Interact live with Imogen, Shay and other participants to learn, discuss and explore holiday stress reduction.
After the workshop you will receive:
- Access to the recording of the workshop for you to review and have as a resource.
- A handout to help you remember what you have learned, and that you can share with others.

“But On the River I Was Free,” by Shay Seaborne, watercolor, mental hospital pencil
As a survivor of Complex Trauma I am especially grateful for Imogen’s beneficial influence in my life. Over the past four years as her student I have been consistently impressed by how much of Imogen’s work is backed by the neuroscience of trauma and especially helpful in resolving it. Developing the ability to tune into my body has been key to my recovery. I need to listen to my body and recognize what it needs and likes. This fosters the sense of well-being from which better health arises. With Medical PTSD I find these tools and techniques indispensable during medical or dental appointments. I also benefit greatly from the holistic effect these practices have on my daily quality of life. The bonus is Imogen’s remarkable ability to figure out ways to integrate the learning into daily practices that orient my nervous system away from threat detection and protection and toward safety and connection, which heals the traumatized nervous system.
– Shay Seaborne, CPTSD, Trauma Awareness Activist-Artist
Most of us get anxious around holiday parties and family, so stress is a given.
The important thing is not to get stuck there.
According to Complex Trauma Specialist, Deb Dana, LCSW, “A regulated nervous system…brings flexibility, which brings resilience…a regulated system…can dysregulate and come back to regulation.”
In this workshop Shay and Imogen will introduce you to a portable, discreet, use-anywhere tool that invites ease and helps you build, or rebuild, a healthy nervous system – a regulated nervous system.
“A regulated nervous system provides you with the energy, resources, and drive to do what you’re meant to do on the planet.”
– Irene Lyon. MSC, Nervous System Expert
With Imogen and Shay’s expert guidance, you’ll leave the workshop with simple ideas and strategies you can use right away to relieve the stresses and tensions of the holidays and beyond, so your nervous system is better able to regulate and you can experience more joy and ease.
Imogen’s practices have helped me to bring more ease into my life by learning to make different choices for myself that can reduce pain and anxiety. The opportunity to practice virtually alongside other students has been a gift, particularly during times of stress and isolation. Thank you, Imogen, for all of the support, laughter and lessons. I offer her my highest recommendation.
Tracy Hough, BodyIntelligence Client
Shay’s personal journey with trauma and recovery and practice of regulating her own nervous system has…left her more highly qualified than any mainstream education could provide. Shay is one of the most inspiring experts in this field I have encountered.
Fiona Mclennan, Creator and Teacher of Somatic Intelligence
Workshop Details:
This introductory workshop is 1 hour long and will take place online using Zoom. We have two times for you to choose from:
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Times: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm US Eastern Time (Click here to find your time zone.)
7:00 – 8:00 pm US Eastern Time (Click here to find your time zone.)
Workshop Cost:
We have a 3-tier cost structure. Please choose the one that best suits your circumstances:
- Abundance: $50
I am happy to pay more right now to help support those who cannot. - Basic: $35
I am able to pay the basic workshop fee. - Reduced Rate: $10
I am economically challenged at the moment.
- Abundance: $50
If you can afford more, your contributions are greatly appreciated, and help support others who cannot.
REGISTER NOWMeet your Hosts!

Imogen and Shay
Imogen and Shay have been working together for over five years, starting when Shay came to Imogen as a client. Over time, as Shay studied neurobiology and neuroscience to help her understand and resolve PTSD, she increasingly understood that BodyIntelligence provides a very neuropositive approach and practice. It has been extremely helpful to Shay and is one of her core resources in helping her rebuild and regulate her own nervous system.
As they continued to work together they became good friends, sharing an excitement over the neuroscience that backs up the simple and profound practices of BodyIntelligence and Alexander Technique concepts and principles.
This workshop is part of a collaboration to offer workshops and programs for people dealing with trauma or chronic stress. Shay’s experience as a trauma survivor and her understanding of the neuroscience relating to trauma is paired with practical tools and concepts from Imogen’s BodyIntelligence work.
Imogen Ragone, M.AmSAT
Imogen Ragone has been a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique since 2006, and a student of the work for well over 20 years. She initially came to Alexander Technique to help her with chronic neck and shoulder pain and tension. It did – and gave her MUCH more than she ever imagined. Imogen has now developed her own unique approach, BodyIntelligence, that offers a path to embodied mindfulness that is gentle and non-coercive. This means it is more accessible and effective when you are feeling stressed or anxious, and makes it especially valuable to traumatized people. Imogen was born and raised in England, and has lived in the US now for over 30 years. She has been successfully working with clients online, both individually and in groups, since 2014.
More about Imogen and her work:
Website: imogenragone.com
Facebook Page: BodyIntelligence with Imogen Ragone
Facebook Group: BodyIntelligence Community
Shay Seaborne, CPTSD
Trauma. Influenced by Dr. Dan Siegel, Dr. Laurence Heller, and Deb Dana LCSW, she embarked on a 9-year study of the neurobiology of trauma and recovery. Harmed by the standard treatment for PTSD and abandoned by medicine, she developed her life-saving “neuroscience-based, somatically-oriented dynamic healing framework” in 2020.
Shay’s mission extends to educating providers, survivors, and the public on the neurobiology of trauma and recovery, aiming to prevent others from facing her struggles. Her primitive watercolors, influenced by her own complex trauma, convey the profound impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences, showcasing resilience amid brutality.
As the force behind #TraumaAwareAmerica on Facebook and www.TraumaAwareAmerica.org, Shay spearheads initiatives for widespread trauma awareness and the need for neuroscience-based care.
More about Shay and her work:
Websites: shayseaborne.com and TraumaAwareAmerica.org
Facebook Page: Trauma Aware America
Instagram: @shayseaborne_cptsd
Photograph of Shay by Bayou Elom.